Lying liars

Encountered a lying liar today who said it takes more electricity to produce nuclear fuel than you will ever get out of it. And, according to the liar, the only reason “they” do this is to make weapons. The comment has been deleted, so I can’t show you the screen-shot. I can’t even find where they got the meme in a google image search. However…

Lets think. I live in a country with NO nuclear weapons, but with one of the most successful civil nuclear energy legacies in the world.

I live in an area where most of my electricity is supplied by nuclear power. Within that greater area, there is, a fuel-processing and manufacture plant.

If the liar were telling the truth, that the manufacture of the fuel for the reactors consumed MORE electricity than could be got from it, we have a paradox. That the single industrial facility, in Toronto, that makes the fuel pellets for the power plants, necessarily draws down more power than the plants could produce. More than 100% of the output from the power plants it supplies fuel to. Suggesting that they are having brown-outs and no one else has ever had electricity. 🤦🏽‍♂️

For the love of just basic sanity, think a little about these kinds of nonsense claims when you see them. Try to remember your grade-school maths and science.