…will face the exact same attacks.
It literally can never matter who Democrats, that Centre-Right party, run. It can never matter who Centrists run. It could never matter who some imaginary Left run. Reich wing extremists will slander and lie and abuse and formulate an endless stream of defamatory misinformation custom built for rabid consumption by angry deplorables. And they will turn that shit cannon on any and every opposition candidate or leader.
The evils imagined in the Left, which is anything less-far-Right than the craziest fringes of the GOP, is no different than panic about the “Jewish Problem” in the 1930s. It is a kitchen tool for whisking up the meanest and most credulous into a useful foaming froth.
When they have no valid policy points, Cons will just print “Fuck Joe Biden” merch, or in Canada, “Fuck Trudeau,” merch using the same exact design.
And that is enough. Because “Conservative” campaigns are not appealing to virtue or decency, logic or reason. They are appealing to the worst, most despicable, weaknesses in human nature. And it works on a population so poorly educated. So superstitious. So bigoted. So anti-intellectual.