
The UK right now is where Canada was in 2015. After almost a decade and a half of spectacularly corrupt and incompetent “Conservative” government the UK has gotten so fed up that, in the next general election, their “Tories” are going to get wrecked. They have already been getting wrecked in by-elections. And anyone centuries from now, in full possession of the facts might wonder how that would not be the end for the Cons.

In 2015 in Canada the first ever CPC government under Stephen Harper fell after nearly a decade of simultaneously unbelievable and yet completely predictable political, social and economic sabotage. It was surely a relief to Brian Mulroney that Prime Minster Harper and his government had become the worst in modern Canadian history. And that should have been the end of that awful party which had only formed in 2003.

But here we are, less than a decade later and the CPC under its new wholly unscrupulous leader ConPiePol is stirring every dirty pot full of people’s worst selves trying to unseat the Liberal government and get their Right-wing Extremist doom-train back on track. And, people being what they are, it could work. We could see another decade of sabotage and chaos, designed to destabilize government, democracy, the rule of law, long before there has ever been enough time to clean up the mess from last time.

And who knows, after the Labour Party in the UK form the next government in the UK, swallowing the poisoned pill that the defeated ConGov have left in the government’s cup, and after a decade of struggle in already perilous times trying to remediate all the harm the Con parade of clowns and idiots have done since 2010, Brits may again be foolish enough to elect another “Conservative” government. And the whole cycle of national suicide can start over.

And it is a cycle. Canada and the UK are just at different stages in it. In the UK the Cons have fucked up just enough to lose power for now. In Canada apparently we have forgotten what a mess the Cons had made by 2015. And like a codependent in an abusive relationship enough Canadians are willing to BELIEVE that their abuser really LOVES them that they go running back.

I was listening to a palliative care nurse talk about the end-of-life decline of people with dementia today. The stair-steps down and down from plateau to crash, to new plateau to new crash. And I cannot help but see the parallel to the decline of great nations afflicted with senile Conservatism.

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I am an experienced freelance graphic artist and sometime canoeist. I feel strongly about the quality of professional work and like sitting by a remote lake on a sun-warmed rock.

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