Right now, in the UK, a ConGov that has been in power for 14 years is coming to the end of its rope. They have fucked the UK perhaps worse than any government before them. And Labour will probably form the next government and inherit all the problems that Conservatives caused. Labour gets saddled with swallowing that poisoned pill.
And this is cyclical. Labour will be in power for a few years of struggling to recover from what Cons have done and people will become dissatisfied with a lack of progress climbing out of a hole that government never dug. And Cons will start promising that it was all really Liberals’ fault and only Cons can clean up the mess. The mess they made the last time they were in power.
But right now the UK is in that phase of this cycle where they are likely in the next election to replace deranged saboteurs with a government that at least might wish to fix the mess, but realistically will never be in power long enough to really recover from almost a decade and a half of Cons fucking everything up.
Canada is at a different point in this cycle. We had Mulroney, but we never recovered from that damage. Later we had the HarperCPC, literally the worst, most corrupt and destructive government of my lifetime. And they held onto power by the skin of their teeth, shitting the bed and poisoning the well as long as they could before we got so fed up that we came to the point where the UK is now and replaced the monstrous fuckers with something less bad.
And despite Justin Trudeau’s Liberals good intentions, it is impossible to fix all the damage ten years of Conservatives can do in twice that much time. So Canadians have become dissatisfied with a lack of progress. And right on time, PiePolCons are promising that only they can fix the mess. The mess they mostly made. They can fix it with racism and with injustice and with massive tax breaks that only benefit the rich. And if they con enough voters they will slither back into power and make the situation ten times worse again.
And this is a cycle. A violent cycle of abuse of power. We, like the people of the UK are in a serial abusive relationship with a deviant political party that lies to get back in our bed, then shits that bed quite thoroughly.
We have to put an end to this cycle.